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Contact information

Florian Meier
Rheingasse 12
DE-79365 Rheinhausen

Phone: +49 175 7109370


This page uses the GDPR-compliant service „“ to count visitors. No personal data is saved during that. Any information that could be used for identifying individual users is being anonymized. Read more on that.

Please note that the webserver will create access logs. This is a core function of the to make sure everything works as expected and can not be disabled by me. Access logs are automatically deleted after 14 days (so called "log rotation").

During the creation of access logs, the following data is being processed and saved which can be count as personal information: IP address, remote identity, remote user, duration of the request, requested address (“First Line of Request“), status of the request, transferred amount of data, referrer, user-agent, screen resolution.

If you decide to write me a mail, I will receive personal information from you (name, mail address, content of the mail), which is being handled carefully and not passed to third parties. Mail servers will usually use the e-mail-header and its information (mail server, IP, mail address) for anti-spam technologies.